Thursday, April 2, 2009

4.2.09 thursday

when Tina and Billy got engaged right after Christmas I told her I would love to make her invitations for the wedding. She has put it off and kept saying she didn't even really want to have a wedding. Suddenly this weekend they decided to go ahead with the wedding in the church. So ..on Monday we talked about what they would like to have. Turns out she only wanted a couple of announcements to put up in their churches. Monday night I thought about it, Tuesday we talked about it, Wednesday I made a prototype. Today I took the sample to show her. She wanted to make a few changes (like the one where I made a name up for the church since I didn't know the name of the church LOL)....but she had been busy as well. Last night she made her bouquet. So that is the POTD--- her bouquet with the sample announcement. I made the announcements tonight since she only wanted a few.... they will probably be my POTD for tomorrow.. And the other pictures are just today's bonus photos!


Sherri said...

very pretty!! she's talented. way to go on doing her invitations for you. you rock

Katie said...

love them!!! are these pics taken with the new camera??