getting out the new camera and taking a pic or two tonight. I am embarrassed to say I have had this camera two weeks and it is still in the box.. let me see what i can do for the POTD sooooo OK this is what we came up with--- Maggie makes this weird snarl-y sound when she is held up under her arms... it is like..... is so funny. She gets so mad and we just cant stop laughing!
I 'm just a regular person who blogs occasionally. I blog so I can remember myself—who I am and what I am doing at any given time. I love people (oddly enough though, I am mainly a loner) and I love to learn new things, I love to craft and write and try to make a difference in the world. I love to take photos (someday to scrap—hopefully) and to be with my family, friends and animals. I am usually over sensitive, over worked and tired. I am from the south and love living here.
new camera!! oh, what did you get? get it out of the box, girl.
thats my baby girl!
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