Monday, February 25, 2008

Monday, Monday you remember that song by the Mama's and the Papa's? I don't remember them from when they were first around but i do like the music--- i was just a kid in the 60's but I imagine it must have been something to be a teen during that time- - - - exciting, terrifying, changing and scary. Not only was the whole hippy,free love, drugs and rock and roll thing going on but also the Vietnam war (conflict??? from what i remember looked like a war to me)-- the draft, the cold war, the recent assignation of a loved president, corruption. EVERYTHING was changing.
Somehow doesn't seem all that different to me now with all the changes going on in our world right now--- it is different from the 60's but a changin it is--- like it or not. We still have a war (conflict-- funny---still looks like a war to me). Seems we still have the "free love" too--- the morals of people are so changed from when i was growing up-- unfortunately we still have the drugs. although I'm not sure the music that is prevalent nowadays can be counted as rock and roll though. We may not still have the cold war and the Berlin wall but we are still "cut off" from a lot of the world, we still have the corruption, not the draft but still loosing some of our best and brightest in a war. Guess that old saying is true--- the more things change the more they stay the same.

Our Daughter came home this weekend and brought her new beau. he seems like a nice young man. he is older and more established. I think K was worried about bringing him home---although we live in a nice enough house it is not a mansion. nor is it a dump. I think she is a little ashamed of our house or something-- she seems to have avoided bringing him home as long as she could---- but i digress. She is all excited about graduation and starting grad school and a new part of her life. She ordered her graduation announcements last night.....sigh

well i guess that is enough observations for now-- LOL going to go read what everyone else has to say before my lunch time is over and i have to go back to work


Sherri said...

So true about things changing. Maybe your dd isn't ashamed at all. Maybe she was just worried about bringing home an "older beau".

Brenda is SO Blessed said...

Sherri, that's what she said too. I guess i am just a lile sensitive to her feelings and stuff-- now how eloquent is that? lol

TammyB said...

Posting to tell you that you've been tagged. Check out my blog.