We got to spend part of the evening with Mr S's sister Lois, her hubby Mark, and their delightful grandson Micah. He just turned 6. When we got there Mark and Micah were working on the fort they are building. We also had a impromptu cookout. What fun we had talking, visiting and playing.... what fun it is to be around Micah and have him really talk to us. This POTD was taken as were were leaving and Lois was pulling Micah's ear to try to get him to stand still (LOL)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
5.31.09 Sunday
today is the "traditional" Memorial day--way back from when we celebrated holidays on the day they actually fell on the calendar---not on Friday or Monday so we could have a 3 day weekend
Memorial Day,
Micah. Mr S
Saturday, May 30, 2009
5.30.09 Saturday
Today I had a migraine all day so Mr S took the POTD--- Bubba and Tigger asleep in the kitchen pet bed---cute!
Friday, May 29, 2009
5.29.09 Friday
OK--since it seems all of the other fish have departed existence so today I ventured to Petsmart after work and purchased 20 little comet goldfish and three little plants. (the comets were a whopping 12 cents each) We shall see if they live. They are cute little things---only about 1 inch long each gold, white and brown coloration
Thursday, May 28, 2009
5.28.09 Thursday
today's POTD is our little Dachshund, Mo. He is such a great little dog and a typical dachshund. i love this quote H. L. Mencken said that "A dachshund is a half-dog high and a dog-and-a-half long,"
anyway--I don't know if you have ever sen the Petsmart commercial with the Dachshund and his long Loofa dog toy named BoBo. Well, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3FEM-pPfBQ) our little Mo loves BoBo too. When i was in the Petsmart yesterday they had BoBo's on clearance. ...and he got a coupon for $4 off since this is his birth month---BoBo's are usually $6.99 each and they had them 1/2 price.......so Mo got 3 new BoBo's for his Birthday(10th) . Today he has played all afternoon with BoBo-- he really only wants to play with it when I am home and he just tears the stuffing out and wants to destroy the squeaker LOL
thus the POTD:---and please, please notice the cat toys and litter box in the second picture of the hallway---we have a lot of pets!
Edited to add---bad news. when I got home tonight Mr S greeted me with the bad news that at least one of the new fish did not survive---was doing the side stroke and half his tail was gone---wish I knew what got him...We cant tell for sure how many of the seven are left--but know one is gone for sure
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
5.27.09 Wednesday
So I went back to the Y for the first time since vacation---worked out for one hour--the instructor never showed up.
Then after that I ran to Petsmart to get some fish and plants for the new pond. The POTD is not too great but i got 7 fish (red mouth minnows--goldfish LOL), a snail and 4 water plants. There was no indication of what the plants really were or info on them. So I picked out the 3 I thought most attractive (I got 2 of one kind) and wrote down the names so I could look them up when I got home. One of them turns out to be sweet flag (a kinda iris looking thing) which is something I wanted to get anyway---so now we have 7 fish---waiting to see how the 12 cent each fish do before we put the big fish out there, 6 plants and a snail (gosh just about forgot the pollywog's and the mosquito larvae--which is what the fish are supposed to eat).
mosquito larvae,
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
5.26.09 Tuesday
today's POTD is of the little patch of wildflowers growing in our front yard. We planted these about 15 years ago and they keep showing up every year (if Mr S docent forget and mow them down first before he remembers they are there LOL)
Monday, May 25, 2009
5.25.09 Monday
These cartoons are some of the ones that were sent to me by my scrappy friend, Denise. They soooo speak to the real meaning of Memorial Day
Today is Memorial Day. The POTD will be of my daddy in his uniform
I am so in awe of all the men and women now and in the past that have served our country and preserve our freedom.
this is our nephew Dan, of whom we are so proud
Soldiers past and present---defending our freedom
Sunday, May 24, 2009
5.24.09 Sunday
Katie and Brad (Hi guys) stayed the night with us on the way back to Memphis.
this is the POTD today--- the Neighbor's cat stretched out on the wall by the pond hmmmmm doesn't seem to bode well for any fish we may get---and right next to the new bird feeder
this is the POTD today--- the Neighbor's cat stretched out on the wall by the pond hmmmmm doesn't seem to bode well for any fish we may get---and right next to the new bird feeder
Saturday, May 23, 2009
5.23.09 Saturday
whew-- what a week. we had a blast at the beach--but now back home. it is taking me a while to get all "blogger caught up" I have all of them ready to post just slow getting it done....
anyway--today's POTD reflects where this last week has been --- we drove 350+ miles on two Saturday's in a row (to SC and back to TN) and some driving while there....we didn't do much driving while we were there but here it is--- the most we paid for gas was $2.34 gal in a little town in SC so that wasn't too bad
and Mr S playing checkers with Brad at Cracker Barrel where we had dinner
home again,
Mr S,
Friday, May 22, 2009
5.22.09 Friday
today is our last day of vacation....
and then spent the rest of the evening lazing in the lazy river, the pool and the saltwater hot tub
we all got so sunburned yesterday we opted to stay in today and went to the theatre to see "Night at the Museum" cute movie. our little historian enjoyed it greatly
when we got done with that we had a picnic in the courtyard
and then spent the rest of the evening lazing in the lazy river, the pool and the saltwater hot tub
Thursday, May 21, 2009
5.21.09 Thursday
Today was laid back . Mr S and I went to the beach early in the morning/afternoon and I got to lay on the sand and soak up some sun-- these were my nearest visitors.... Mr S walked on the beach and looked for shells. It was still to cold to be in the water. Meanwhile Katie and Brad were back at the pool lazing around.-- we all managed to get a good dose of sun burn
in the afternoon we made our trek to Huntington Beach State Park http://www.huntingtonbeachstatepark.com/Atalaya.htm . It is such a fun place to visit and we always have a good time there. We went through Atalaya and renewed our acquaintance with the beauty there. This was the first thing we saw there.... he was huge- if you looked really close you could tell he was asleep in the sun.
Atalaya is a beautiful place to take photos...
We drove up to the jetty parking lot and started out to walk to the jetty---probably about 1.5 miles. Somehow, being on vacation we had lost track of the days and the times and what time high tide was. I never walk all the way to the jetty because of the pain walking on the sand causes my hip. K and B took off walking and were out of site pretty soon. Mr S and I were looking for some shells to add to our collection and slower . After a while I was ready to stop and Mr.S went on to take some pics of K and B. I waited on the sand.
One thing we had both commented on was that the sandy beach seemed to be shorter to the ocean. While i was sitting there all alone (could not see one other human in any direction) with the ocean fast approaching high tide, the salt marsh and alligators behind me and nothing beside me... i got scared. I am not a brave person to begin with but this was totally out of my realm of experience. I got as close to the dunes as i could where i was and then decided when the next wave left i needed to make a run for it and find more beach......gotta admit i was a little more afraid.lucky for me i found the next hunk of land was a little longer and soon enough here came Mr S, K and B---- oh and i found a perfect sand dollar .
Mr S found a skate case
Then we were off to our favorite place to eat at the beach--Murrel's Inlet http://www.murrellsinletsc.com/ (Someone ask Mr S what that hole in the table is for).
Then we were off to our favorite place to eat at the beach--Murrel's Inlet http://www.murrellsinletsc.com/ (Someone ask Mr S what that hole in the table is for).
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
5.20.09 Wednesday
this morning at 4 am Katie and Brad arrived to have fun at the beach with us. The S's walked down to the beach while Brad caught up on some sleep.
these little fellas were near our Villa. We looked for them every time we wet out. They were so neat. We watched them many times to see what they were up too. They were living in a drain pipe near the inlet. Once we came out to their area and saw one of the smallest wandering around ..we were still and listened .... and heard the mom calling the baby to come home.. we even got to watch the little one look around and then go to the pipe and go home
we loved these pretty little flowers growing on the beach--not sure what they are except pretty
Mr S,
Myrtle Beach
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
5.19.09 Tuesday
Warning---- photo intensive post ahead. This is our next day at the beach. It was cold but not as cold as it was the day before. this is the little inlet right beside our condo. We loved watching the wildlife and the colors of the sea
I'm having trouble deciding which of these will be my POTD--- love them both
I'm having trouble deciding which of these will be my POTD--- love them both
and i think they are both cool.
we walked on the beach The waves were mightily and we saw lots of people surfing. We walked to the state park and enjoyed going out on the pier. Still cold
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